Tips for Healthy Lungs

While you hear a lot about heart health, taking care of your lungs is just as important. Lungs provide the rest of your organs with essential oxygen to flourish and fight disease. As time goes by, it's easy to pick up bad habits that can be hard on your lungs.

By |2024-08-13T20:28:35-07:00March 1st, 2022|General, Heart|

The Cost of a Heart Attack

Suffering a heart attack can have a profound and lasting impact on your life in many ways. In addition to being a wake-up call to prioritize your health, the expenses associated can quickly become overwhelming. Here are all the ways a heart attack can cost you and your family.

By |2024-08-13T20:33:50-07:00September 24th, 2021|General, Heart|

What Can a Heart CT Scan Detect?

A heart CT scan shows detailed images of your arteries, aorta, heart and valves, so that healthcare professionals can measure your heart health without an invasive or lengthy procedure. The scan specifically looks for problems like calcium and cholesterol buildup, blockages and inflammation

By |2024-08-13T20:48:55-07:00May 6th, 2020|Heart|